E-commerce webinar: increase your conversion rate thanks to 360° product visuals
Discover the advice of our product photography experts to increase the conversion rate of your e-commerce. Our 360 e-commerce webinar will detail all the elements to take into account for a successful customer experience. Several studies show that 360° product animations are a factor in increased conversion rate.
The impact of 360° e-commerce visuals on Internet users
Expert tip: During this e-commerce webinar We explain how PackshotCreator solutions allowing 360° shots help improve your conversion rate and your results. E-commerce product photography is the central element of the virtual “window”. It allows you to seduce your prospects by showcasing your products in every detail. Thus, this window is not only aesthetic but represents a real source of information on each object. The complete visual, or even sometimes substitutes for e-commerce product sheet.
A challenge for the conversion rate: our 360 e-commerce webinar
Do you use product visuals for your online business? 360° animations are a real advantage to distinguish you and allow you to increase your conversion rate significantly. For example, Internet users can manipulate an electronic product as they please. They have the opportunity to zoom in on key parts of the object. So they enlarge part of the photo without losing resolution. PackshotCreator In particular, it also offers a 20X zoom on its animations. How to produce them? How can they also be integrated on all types of support? Our 360 webinar reveals all the tips you need to know.
To go further in product photography on the PackshotCreator blog:
In fact, we offer you a set of articles dedicated to product photography, from tutorials to news on new technologies.
- Also discover how to give relief to your communication
- And our customer interviews on the impact of 360 visuals improving the customer experience
- Our series on Virtual Reality premiere and Second part
- How to put all your models online thanks to photo studios PackshotCreator ?
- Our focus on E-commerce photos
- How did a designer of cases create highlight your products from all angles.
- In what way transforming the shopping experience of its Internet users?