What we prescribe to make your sales feel better: amazing visuals

product image
  • Recommendation
  • Features

Heal your still photography with a pill of creativity

Share the important information of your products to your clients. From the different chemicals and ingredients of your pills or syrup, to the list of precautions or side effects, thanks to the Magnification tool.

Allow them to zoom in on your visual to read the drug leaflet and retrieve the necessary information.

Let’s see some examples of parapharmaceuticals products photography !

Having difficulties placing your product identically to the others? Let Ghost Image help you out! Through a transparent layer that wraps your first image, guide yourself with it and place your products respecting the position codes.

how to photograph products of same typology
examples of pharmacy products photography
  • how to photograph products of same typology
  • examples of pharmacy products photography


Make sure every single element on your photo is focused. The Hyperfocus feature eliminates the progressive blurry effect on your every complex product that where shot in different point levels.

See more examples of parapharmaceuticals products photography.

What we prescribe to make your sales feel better: 360° animations of your products

Is it a cream, a gel or a soap? Avoid your customer’s confusion thanks to the AutoMask feature. Make your clients “feel” the substance when looking at your transparent flasks, jars, roll-ons, tubes, etc.

In the pharmaceutical world: the sensation is as important as the look!

Protect your visuals and 360 animations from counterfeiters. They could use your photo production to advertise their counterfeit medicine, which is extremely dangerous as they may contain the wrong or no active ingredient at all.

Prevent aggravating this illegal market by adding your logo or brand on each and every single one of your animations, with Watermark.

Some features you could benefit from...

Curious to see examples of your own parapharmaceuticals?

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