Offer your e-shoppers optimal browsing comfort on your e-commerce website!Opératrice photographiant une chaise haute pour enfant
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Offer your e-shoppers optimal browsing comfort on your e-commerce website!

A new type of consumer is born: the e-shopper. With almost daily purchases on the web, the e-shopper is all the more demanding when it comes to finding out about the coveted product.

What priorities for the products on your e-commerce website

At the center of the sales process, several elements are decisive. The first is e-commerce product sheet. This is the detailed description. The visuals that accompany it are essential to trigger the act of purchase. They serve to highlight the product but are also a source of information. Source of information on their functionalities, characteristics or even available colors.

E-commerce product photography at the heart of the purchase decision

The product photo therefore remains at the heart of the purchase decision. Its main role is therefore to present the product as if the future buyer had it in their hands. Indeed, a still photo is never enough. More and more retailers have opted for other types of visuals. This ranges from multi-view to modeling products placed in a real environment.

With the PackshotCreator photo studio and its associated software, it is now possible for all companies to photograph any product internally (jewels, shoes, raiment, sacks, cellphones, cosmetics, etc.) and to obtain a professional result quickly.

PackshotCompact un photo studio dans un bureau pratique et facile à utiliser

Discover the benefits of producing product visuals in-house in this infographic

Comment rentabiliser son investissement et tirer le meilleur profit de ses visuels de produits ?

Take HD photographs, still product photographs, multi-angles, 360° animations or even 3D spherical and hemispherical animation of your products.

Your customers will be able to analyze the smallest detail of your objects thanks to the zoom or magnifying glass options supported by our software. In addition to these shooting options, the PackshotCreator software suite allows you to create photographs in HTML5 format, adapted to the template of your e-commerce site even in low resolution, all without slowing down the download time of your site.

No need for specific product photography knowledge, PackshotCreator software is intended to be intuitive and easy to use.

Do you want to sell your products on the Internet or improve visuals of your e-shop current? Discover now the PackshotCreator studio lines !

*Survey conducted in Europe between 15 and 30 October 2013 on a sample of 149 users of e-commerce sites and 137 users of PackshotCreator solutions having created their product visuals themselves.



Le studio Alphadesk Orbitvu pour des photos à plat