How to change the color of a product?

Save time when photographing your products that have a large color range. The Color Conversion feature on the PackshotCreator software allows you to take a single photo of your product, and then easily change its color. In only few steps, you will be able to display your item in all the colors available. This efficient feature will not only save you a great amount of time, but also boost your product photography consistency!


Colorful product


PackshotCreatorphotos studio
PackshotCreator software v14
Compatible Canon Camera
Canon lens


3 minutes
  • 1. Selecting your file
    using the color conversion feature to change the color of a product

    Select the product photo that you would like to change the color and click on theEdit button. Your photo will automatically open onto the editing interface.

    Under “Tools”, select theColor Conversion” feature. You will be asked if you would like to make a duplicate copy of the original file. For many reasons, it is strongly suggested to create a duplicate. To do this, click on “Yes”.

  • 2. Choosing the color space and grids
    easily change the color of product

    Now, on the right side is where the original colors are converted to a new color. The small clouds white dots highlighted represent the colors in the image. Specific squares in the grid or the entire grid can be moved to shift the colors.

    For the first step, under “Mode”, choose which color space you would like to work with (LAB, HSP or RBG). Then select 24 as the number of squares on the grid.


    Tips: The more squares, the more control you will have over selecting and manipulating specific colors.


    Note: The center square is where pure white is located. 

  • 3. Selecting the conversion methods
    color conversion software feature

    There are two conversion methods available: A / B and C / L. First choose the A / B method, then select the “Pin All”. This allows each square to stay in one place while  you can select only the squares you want to move. Just like adding squares, pinning offers more color control.


  • 4. Changing the product's color
    create one single photo of a product and change its color

    Now, on the left side of the screen click on the “Select” button. Then, select and drag from your product’s photo, only the color that you would like to change. Make sure that all color values (lights and darks) are selected. You will notice that the squares that represent the selected color will automatically be pinned. If you would like to pin more squares, press CTRL or CMD on your keyboard and simply select the desire squares.

    Next, click in one of these pinned squares and move them around to the desire color.


    Tips: If you made a mistake or would like to go back one step or start over, you can click on the “Undo” or “Undo All” buttons (picture below).


  • 5. Creating more products colors
    tutorial on how to change the color of a product

    After changing to the desire color, click on the “Copy Original” to add more photos. You can then repeat the same process of moving the squares to another color and copying the original until you have all colors needed.

    Once done, click “Finish” and save your photos.


    Note: If you would like to change the contrast and saturation of the colors, click on the C / L conversion method. Then, repeat the same process from step 7 to 9.

  • 6. Adjusting the color contrast

    If you would like to change the contrast and saturation of the colors, click on the C / L conversion method.

    Then, repeat the same process from step 7 to 9.


How to change the color of a product?

With only one photo and a few steps, you will be able to display your products in all the colors available. Discover more